Full-Day Session

If you can devote more time to upgrading your skills, our full-day workshop will analyze your performance in front of a small audience, and show you how to improve.

We cover the same content as the half-day session. Then each participant develops and delivers a short presentation lasting three or four minutes. Through constructive, supportive feedback, our trainer will help you to:

  • Gain confidence

  • Understand what happens in front of an audience

  • Practice a range of techniques

  • Go off script

  • Prompt questions

  • Talk to differing levels of understanding or experience 

  • Deal with difficult or tricky questions 

  • Develop as a communicator rather than a presenter 

Over time, you will learn to be an effective communicator – and you may come to enjoy every presentation opportunity.

Sample Agenda

8:30 am: Course introduction

8:50: Discussion: Participants’ presentation challenges

9:10: Part 1: Getting ready

  • Analyzing the communications environment

  • Selecting options for message delivery

  • Organizing information effectively and efficiently

10:00: Exercise 1: Self-introduction – preparation

10:30: Break

10:45: Exercise 1: Presentation delivery

11:15: Part 2: Delivering the presentation

  • Finding a comfortable style, speaking with confidence, and handling difficult questions

  • Receiving and understanding feedback

11:55: Assignment for three-minute presentations

12:00 pm: Working lunch

1:00: Exercise 2: Three-minute presentations and evaluations (Participants 1 – 6)

2:30: Break

2:45: Exercise 2, continued (Participants 7 – 12)

4:15: Summary, questions, final takeaways

4:30: End

Need more info?

Contact us to book a coaching session or learn more about our course offerings, or read more about the Interplay approach to presentation training.